
Why Choose A Green Electricity Supplier?

Having become aware of the impact of the use of non-renewable energy on the environment, many consumers are now turning to green electricity. Suppliers are therefore obliged to comply with constantly growing consumer demand. To date, more than 20.1% of the electricity used by households comes from renewable energy sources and ecology.

Article summary


Green electricity, definition and origin

Green electricity, cheaper than non-renewable energies

Choose green electricity by comparing offers from electricity suppliers

What are the advantages of concluding a contract with a green electricity supplier?

Green electricity, definition and origin

If we define green electricity, it is that coming from renewable energy sources on the planet. In general, biomass, hydroelectricity, photovoltaic panels and wind power are the elements producing this type of electricity. On the other hand, this equipment needs water, wind, sun and the action of combustion to produce this form of energy. The term “green electricity” refers to the grouping of several energy sources with renewable and clean properties, but also respectful of ecology.

Green electricity, cheaper than non-renewable energies

The majority of consumers say that the offers from a green electricity supplier have fairly high prices. This is in reality a false statement since the current offers turn out to be cheaper compared to the base of the regulated tariff imposed by EDF. This drop in prices results from the development of means of production with the appearance of local players on the market.

Choose green electricity by comparing offers from electricity suppliers

It is not very complicated to use a comparator to find out the offers offered by green electricity suppliers like ENGIE . In addition, we are looking for good quality of offer and excellent commitment from our electricity supplier. It is then necessary to take into account:

  • the price of the kWh as well as that of the subscription to the offer;
  • the possibilities for changing prices for a green electricity supply;
  • the type of standard or premium offer (purchase of electricity and Guarantees of Origin (GO) separately vs purchase of electricity and GO from the same supplier);
  • finally, the quality of additional services such as customer support.

What are the advantages of concluding a contract with a green electricity supplier?

Opting for a green energy supplier provides countless benefits, both to the consumer and the environment. Indeed, we benefit from climatic and environmental stability, electricity production with low CO2 emissions and the guarantee of inexhaustible energy

In addition, the use of energy from a renewable resource is a means of combating global warming. Recycling and reconversion are therefore among the possible alternatives when adopting green electricity . It should be noted that the necessary steps for changing supplier have been simplified so that the solution can be easy for consumers.

Ghulam Muhammad

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