
The benefit of dematerializing supplier invoices

You may have started your professional activity with a paper invoicing method. With these supports, the most annoying thing is having to number the invoices one by one to follow up. And the worst part is that it is easy for fraudsters to double-cross them to steal capital from the company. Today, your business is growing and you are looking for a solution to make invoices more reliably while remaining professional. The best solution is the dematerialization of invoices. This revolutionary method has multiple advantages.

Discover the different types of invoice dematerialization

To avoid wasting time managing and tracking tons of paper invoices, dematerializing supplier invoices is an economical and ecological alternative. Currently, there are two types of invoice dematerialization: simple dematerialization and tax dematerialization. The first is to move from paper invoices to digital invoices. In other words, we digitize invoices in paper format. This type of dematerialization facilitates the storage, archiving and sending of documents to suppliers. As for tax dematerialization, it consists of setting up an entirely digital invoicing system from creation to receipt by the recipient. This is the electronic invoice. To send valid electronic invoices, technical solutions must be used to guarantee the authenticity of the part. Thus, an electronic signature and the EDI or Electronic Data Interchange standard are required . These two elements are necessary to dematerialize customer invoices and supplier invoices.

What are the advantages of dematerializing supplier invoices?

Of course, the first advantage of this system is the saving of time and money. Thanks to dematerialization, it becomes possible to reduce costs and processing times for supplier invoices. Several companies have decided to dematerialize their supplier invoices to reduce the costs relating to their processing. In addition, paper invoicing is particularly expensive, not to mention its environmental disadvantages. Dematerialization, on the other hand, considerably reduces the use of paper in order to adopt eco-responsible behavior. Furthermore, the physical archiving of these documents also entails additional expenses because office consumables are required for this operation. Typically, digital archives are saved in an online database. To search for them, simply type the right keywords into the search bar. Another advantage, dematerialized invoices are more centralized and above all more secure. This means that even the most ingenious fraudsters cannot steal or gain access to them. And for greater security for administrative data, it is possible to eliminate paper in favor of IT. It should also be remembered that paper invoices can disappear at any time and can especially deteriorate over time, particularly because of dust and humidity in their storage. All this leads to saying that it is better to dematerialize supplier invoices.

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