Are you the happy owner of land and are you planning to fence it? Many possibilities are available to you. To guide you towards the right choice, we have compiled the essential points to ask before you decide. To allow you to fully enjoy your secret garden.
Rights and duties to close!
The right to enclose your land is a freedom governed by the Civil Code. In theory, it is therefore possible to install a fence without prior action. In reality, however, there are many exceptions to this rule.
You must first consult the PLU (local town planning plan) of your municipality. Contact the town hall to find out the specifics. Find out carefully as the height, materials or even colors you choose may be limited by local legislation.
Sometimes, municipalities do not have a PLU, you must then refer to the town planning code in force . The DDE (departmental equipment directorate) will be able to tell you the restrictions and obligations most often linked to the size of your municipality.
Finally, be aware that a fence separating two inhabited plots of land is subject to joint ownership rules. If you decide to install your fence unilaterally, it must be located on your land. In the case of an agreement, the costs could be shared as well as the maintenance. Consider, in this case, establishing a joint ownership agreement with a notary.
How do I choose my type of fence?
Once the administrative procedures have been completed, you can begin to precisely define your project for your garden or land . The choice of the type of fence and its materials must be consistent with your intentions. For this it is essential to design it according to precise criteria:
- your budget ;
- the objectives of your closing;
- the nature of the terrain;
- the importance given to aesthetics;
- maintenance.
Furthermore, it is a good idea to match your fence to the architecture of your house, the atmosphere of the neighborhood or, if you have one, your gate .
What are the advantages of different materials?
Finally we will detail the different advantages and disadvantages of the main materials used to fence a plot of land or a garden:
- the fence: this is the most economical solution. Easy to install and requiring very little maintenance, it is nevertheless ineffective in guaranteeing your privacy, not very protective and does not stop the wind. But it will be perfect for demarcating agricultural or sports land;
- wood: wood has a certain charm but requires regular maintenance. Its cost is moderate and in the form of panels, it will protect your plot from prying eyes and gusts of wind.
- concrete: concrete is the strongest material. Perfect for securing a garden, it does not require maintenance and has an unrivaled lifespan. Its cold appearance may nevertheless put off those who wish to beautify a garden or wooded area;
- PVC: very affordable, PVC does not rot, is available in multiple colors and easy
- composite: composite combines the strength of PVC with the aesthetics of wood. It is durable, easy to maintain and blackout. Its relatively high price is compensated by a very long lifespan;
- aluminum: very modern, it goes perfectly with recent constructions. Solidity, lifespan, it has many qualities. Among the disadvantages, we find its price and its installation, difficult and requiring the intervention of professionals.
Installing a fence is meticulous work, the culmination of a project thought out and imagined in advance. For the more adventurous, we offer you this link to install your fence yourself. Have fun, and above all be patient!