Technology is growing. As a result, the need for IT professionals is increasingly felt. Nowadays, every company wants to have a technician who can take care of their equipment. This is the rule to avoid frequent breakdowns and ensure good productivity. In short, IT is a sector with employment potential, if you want to make a career in it, you are making the right choice, but you will need to join a training program.
What are the different IT professions?
The IT sector is one of the most coveted in recent years. Especially with the digitalization of all areas of activity, we are witnessing the birth of new professions linked to the Internet. Thus, some statistics show more than 7,000 recruitments each year since 2015. However, this is a fairly large sector, bringing together a multitude of professions.
Database Administrator
The database administrator is an IT professional with qualifications or skills in database management. It intervenes within institutions to program and save useful information. These may be files containing internal information important to the proper functioning of a company. The database administrator can be independent or come from an agency.
IT Developer
The IT developer takes care of the technical part of a site. Its missions consist of using computer languages such as Java, C+ , PHP, HTML, CSS, etc. to create a website and give it a perfect design. He can also ensure the programming and maintenance of technical equipment. Furthermore, it helps business leaders to implement personalized computer programs adapted to market needs. To succeed in his work, the web developer writes specifications that he follows rigorously..
In addition to these IT professions, we can also cite network architects, IT security experts, telecoms engineers, IT maintenance technicians, etc.
How to train in IT?
Computer science training is open to any individual, but to join a successful program, you must first have a baccalaureate. Then, you can follow training in various branches, including IT and networking, information technology services (ITS) , networks and telecommunications, etc. This is training that takes place in two years, giving the right to a Bac+2 . At the end of said training, learners are expected to have the necessary qualifications to work in IT professions.
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There are also courses which lead to a Bac+3 in computer science. They are intended for students who wish to improve further after their BTS . Also, if you want to access high positions, you can complete your course and do a Bac+4 in computer science. You will therefore obtain a master’s degree in information systems management, a master’s degree in general computing, systems and networks, etc. This will increase your chances of being recruited on the job market. In any case, remember that the IT field is not experiencing a recruitment crisis. Any degree can guarantee you lasting employment in the sector.