
How to adapt your CV to a job offer? Everything you need to know in 2024

Just like the cover letter, far from what some might think, the CV is not a standard document. It must be adapted to each sector of activity.

Of course, looking for a job isn’t easy, but that doesn’t mean you can send the same resume template to every job posting. For a CV to be good, it must be well suited to the position in question.

Why adapt your CV to your sector of activity?

Of course, most recruiters don’t care how many resumes they receive. But for yours to be the most interesting, it must have something unique, something that others don’t have.

Keep in mind that a recruiter only gives about 7-8 seconds to read a resume. If it does not correspond to the sector of activity concerned, it will be immediately thrown in the “trash”.

For the recruiter to continue reading your CV, it must be the right one. It must show at first glance that you have all the qualities required for the position and that you have a perfect command of the codes.

You can find CV examples on the internet in various sectors of activity to create yours quickly and easily.

Digital and IT

In digital and IT professions, you need a detailed CV, but with a touch of creativity to highlight the performance criterion.

Providing numerical information will also add value to your past achievements and thus give confidence to your future employer.

In addition, certain data can only be explained by numbers such as the evolution of software performance, or the increase in the number of visits to a site thanks to your intervention, or even the increase in the rate conversion.

In the digital and IT sector, these are purely technical professions. They are oriented on ROI or Return on Investment.

This is why it is essential to support your skills and experience with numbers. But your CV must also remain sober and classic, but without forgetting the creative touch. If possible, attach your portfolio to your CV to have more impact.

Marketing, communications and sales

In these sales professions, “selling yourself” is the golden rule to apply to a successful CV. Keep in mind that your recruiters are looking for people who know how to “sell” themselves and be “sold” at more attractive prices. Make your resume stand out from other candidates without overdoing it.

If you want, use colors and boxed shapes to highlight certain sections over others, but don’t overdo it. 3 colors should be enough and avoid too bright colors.

In the marketing, communication and business sectors, also insist on highlighting your diplomas and achievements by supporting them with concrete and specific examples.

And feel free to use numbers if necessary. Finally, add a pretty professional photo to be more original and communicate easily.

Finance and Accounting

Here, recruiters favor candidates who give an image of competence and seriousness. For you to be the lucky one, you must present through your CV a profile of a good finance and accounting professional. Choose a sober and striking CV by playing with a single color.

You can also add some numbers since numbers are one of the things you will need to master when hiring. And to gain the trust of your recruiters, do not hesitate to add to your CV references of people likely to recommend you, in particular people for whom you have already worked. And emphasize the points that meet the requirements of the position for which you are applying: autonomy, ability to work in a team, reliability, etc.


If you have ever been a logistics professional, you should understand that it is important to explain the scope of your previous assignments to land a new job in the same industry.

And when you spread them out, you must present them by level:

  • Geographic (regional, national, international),
  • Organizational (team size, number of warehouses, number of deliveries per day, budget, etc.).

This way, your future employer will understand your way of working, your strengths and weaknesses, and your motivation for the position.

In short, just give clear and easy to understand details that let your recruiter know what responsibilities you can provide and what work environment you can bring to the company.

Demonstrate through your CV that you are sufficiently dynamic, because this is also one of the qualities required in this sector.

And don’t forget to mention that you have a perfect command of the different information systems and work software used in this sector, including SAP, GTS and Paragon.

Human ressources

If you prefer to apply for a position in the Human Resources sector, do not ignore the importance of soft skills and well-being in the company.

You must be able to demonstrate through your CV that you understand the real needs and challenges of a company to assume the responsibilities of this sector.

You must also show that you are fully aligned with the culture and values ​​of the company you are applying for.

You can illustrate your achievements with tangible results by highlighting the effects of your actions. And refer to the advert to use keywords in this sector to stand out from other candidates.

You now know what type of CV to choose depending on the sector of activity concerned. But whatever sector of activity you wish to join, avoid making a CV that is too long, full of spelling mistakes and too colorful. Always keep it simple, readable and original on one to two pages.

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