
How much does it cost to fly over Manhattan in a helicopter?

New York is one of the most popular and attractive cities in the world, as it receives more than 13 million foreign visitors every year. For good reason, there are many things to see, do and discover in New York City where everything moves 24 hours a day and time seems to speed up. The pleasure is even greater when you fly over Manhattan in a helicopter and can admire, from the sky, the beauty of each of the key places there. 

Why take a New York helicopter ride?

There are many reasons why tourists want to take a helicopter ride over New York when visiting the city. The first reason is obviously to see the popular places in New York City, everything we see in movies and on TV, like the Statue of Liberty and the One World Trade Center tower. There is also Central Park, which a large number of girls and American series mention, and the Brooklyn Bridge which connects the neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Manhattan. Manhattan, in itself, is also an attraction, because its charm is difficult to go unnoticed, especially from the sky. There are also the many buildings, each larger and more beautiful than the last, the parks and even the city’s train stations.

The second reason to visit the city by helicopter is that you will never forget this memory for the rest of your life, because the majesty of New York is breathtaking. Visiting the city by car or on foot is one thing, but admiring it from the air is quite another. From the ground, all the buildings look taller and more imposing, but the view from the sky completely changes the perspective. From the helicopter, you will have another view of New York, one where the possibility of touching the top of the city’s tallest tower will no longer seem impossible. It’s truly an unforgettable moment and we advise you to keep a camera to immortalize these moments.

The cost of flying over Manhattan

So, certainly the ride will be magical and will take your breath away, but you must not forget that it has a price, and that this price must fit into your budget. Rest assured, the cost of a flight over Manhattan is not as high as you might think, unless you plan to do it for a whole day. In fact, the ride for one person costs around 160 euros at least. This is probably the cheapest price you can find and a visit of this type will last between 12 and 15 minutes. Please note that as the duration of the ride over Manhattan increases, the price increases.

If you are in a group, the price will also increase depending on the number of people and the amount of time spent on the helicopter. A walk could thus cost 1000 euros for a group of four people for 25 minutes above ground. However, prices can be different depending on the agency you go to, its reputation, its experience and its services. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to compare prices between several helicopter ride agencies in New York before making your choice.

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