Home and Garden

8 Activities to entertain your children

Of course, there are still many alternatives to smartphones, tablets and other television screens! If your children spend too much time in this connected virtual world, here are some ideas to entertain them.

Activities to develop artistic fiber

All children are little artists who are unaware of themselves, and it is good to help them discover their talents.

The drawing

It’s a great classic, and it’s also the easiest to organize. A few pencils, white sheets of paper and that’s it. It is also possible to invest in a coloring book, which has the advantage of guiding little ones if they no longer know what to draw.

As his passion develops, he may also try his hand at painting.

Play an instrument

All great musicians started out having fun “making noise” before learning the necessary techniques. A flute or a keyboard are simple instruments that allow your children to discover music.

If he takes a liking to it, he can then start taking lessons depending on his age and his instrument of choice.

Activities to exercise

Because children are full of energy, it is often necessary to find a way for them to exercise physically.

Jumping rope

It has entertained generations of children, and it never goes out of style. If it has become a real sport for some, it remains above all a fun activity which allows you to move while having fun. Once the little one has the coordination necessary to use it, he can learn the first beginner tricks.

Inflatable structures for private homes

Far from the huge inflatable castles at a funfair, some manufacturers offer inflatable houses for children which can be installed in the garden, 

These play areas are ideal for children to spend hours bouncing like crazy: there is nothing better for them to exercise while having fun.

Activities to learn to create with your hands

What’s more rewarding than being able to make something with your hands? Children love it, and it can become useful.

Salt dough

It’s THE best solution for the little ones. Easy to prepare at home and non-toxic if ingested (it’s flour and salt) it can be used from 2-3 years old. He can start with pencil holder hedgehogs, then make Christmas decorations, Halloween pumpkins…

For recipes and ideas for salt dough models, 

The kitchen

It’s a perfect way to spend time with your child, while teaching them how to cook. And then, having two extra little hands to help is something you can’t refuse! To motivate him at the beginning, there’s nothing like making a few desserts. Yogurt cake is a timeless recipe, but you can also try chocolate mousse, vanilla flan, or even meringues!

Activities to socialize

By being online, we can forget what it’s like to socialize in real life and actually spend time together.

Family discussion

It’s so simple that no one thinks about it anymore! No need for long hours to debate current issues, but it is important to take some time in the evening to talk as a family. It’s time to talk about your day, to talk about plans for the weekend…

This helps children open up, which can become a huge advantage once they are teenagers.

Board games with friends

Of course, they prefer the console, and that’s fine. But from time to time, a game of small horses, Monopoly or any other board game allows the children to chat with each other. Human interactions are much more important than in video games, and this is essential for children.

The final word

There are many activities to keep children of all ages busy and discover their passions. The most important thing is to allow them to taste different things, and to convince themselves that screens are not inevitable!

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