
Insulate Through The Floor To Improve Thermal Comfort

Whether it is a new construction or the renovation of a house, thermal insulation of floors is essential to limit energy loss. What are the elements you need to know to insulate your house with the floor? Discover all the advantages of having good floor insulation.

Why improve your thermal insulation?

Heat loss through the ground of a building ranges from 7 to 10%. Although this is half as much as that of the walls and roof estimated at nearly 30%, floor insulation remains essential to ensure the thermal comfort of the home.

The materials made available to manufacturers are increasingly efficient and technical. From pre-stressed beams to polystyrene spacers and thermal bridge breakers, it is possible to increase the energy performance of your home to make significant savings. Thermal insulation work promotes optimal daily comfort by reducing feelings of cold and humidity and moderating heat in summer. Also, the thermal insulation of floors makes it possible to effectively improve the acoustic comfort of the premises.

What are the different floor insulation techniques?

The insulation work technique will differ depending on the configuration of the ground. There are three types of floor configuration:

  • Construction on solid ground: this is a ground located on leveled earth. It consists of a slab directly poured onto the ground.
  • Construction on non-accessible crawl space: the crawl space is located between the floor and the ground of a house. It helps prevent any rising humidity from the ground to the floor. This space can range from 20cm to 1m80 maximum.
  • Construction on an accessible crawl space or in an unheated space: it allows access to the underside of the floor while having the same insulation characteristics as the non-accessible crawl space.

Floor insulation can be done from above or below. In the case of construction on the ground, insulation from above is the only solution that can be adopted. For an inaccessible crawl space, both options are possible. Insulation on the underside of the floor is recommended when it is carried out under a room with an accessible crawl space.

How to choose your insulation for floor insulation?

Several criteria must be checked to choose the right thermal insulation. Depending on the insulation technique adopted to insulate the floor of the home, the characteristics of the insulators will differ. For example, while wood wool can be used for insulation from below, it will not be used for insulation from above.

Polystyrene panels remain the best insulators for insulating floors, whether from above or below. They offer the best value for money and are particularly appreciated for their efficiency of implementation.

Insulate through the floor: what help is available?

Numerous aids are available if you wish to renovate your home to improve its insulation. Depending on various eligibility conditions, it is possible to amortize the cost of the work by benefiting from the 30% tax credit, the VAT at a reduced rate of 5.5%, the PTZ eco, and ANAH subsidies. , etc.

To guarantee the proper implementation of your project, it is essential to entrust it to a qualified craftsman. In addition, to benefit from State aid and subsidies, it is necessary to turn to a trained professional with the Recognized Environmental Guarantor (RGE) label who will respect the Thermal Regulations in force.

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