
Guide to buying an electric actuator

In recent years, the need for automation has increased exponentially. As a result, wherever modernity takes hold, automatic adjustment of equipment is born. This is why, wherever you look, you often find an electric actuator that operates in an infinite number of applications. In fact, an electric actuator is most often in play whenever a device pulls or pushes, lowers or raises, positions or rotates a load. However, not every electric jack is worth it. The selection stage is essential to ensure a quality electrical actuation system. This guide has been developed to provide you with information that can help you choose your electric actuators.

The fundamental criteria when choosing an electric actuator

Like any purchase of other products, there are also some criteria to consider when choosing Electric Cylinders . Please note that these basic criteria do not change regardless of the model of electric actuator to purchase.


As any use of any device involves risks, it is essential to ensure your safety, especially whether it is an electrical device.

Although electric actuators have a good safety system, it is still necessary to check it before making the choice. To do this, make sure that the safety of your cylinder meets the IP index, in particular Standard EN 60 528. In fact, this indication assures you that no material, solid or liquid, can penetrate the cylinder.

In addition, the cylinders must be equipped with a system allowing reversibility. This is in fact a system that allows the device to be stopped under certain conditions. To provide more security, choose a mechanical system.

The materials

Remember that the materials used to manufacture the electric actuator ensure its strength. In this sense, this criterion defines the lifespan of your device. If the materials wear out very quickly, the lifespan of the cylinder will be reduced.

On the other hand, the strength of your cylinder also depends on the rod and load. So, if you use your equipment more often, the rod will travel a very long distance and wear out more quickly. This can reduce the strength of the rod and the cylinder. In any case, be sure to check the product sheets for information regarding the number of possible cycles of the rod.

Other points to consider

Among them, you will find:


Force refers to the thrust power of the cylinder. To do this, it is important to determine the load to be supported. In fact, this will determine the different elements constituting your device: motor, thread, gears, bearing, nuts, etc. If it is a heavier load, you should choose a cylinder with more powerful pushing power.

This force is expressed in Newton.

Speed ​​and tension

The speed of the rod is also a determining criterion when you choose your electric cylinder. In fact, it expresses the duration of entry and exit of the rod in proportion to a defined duration.

As for the voltage, it usually varies between 12 and 48 V. Here you should note that the more powerful the supply voltage of the actuator, the more power it consumes. Remember to always consult the product technical data sheet.

Ghulam Muhammad

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