love gardening and love the outdoors, the green life . And city dwellers are no exception to the rule since the development of balconies is experiencing considerable momentum. In this same dynamic, we can note the taste of the latter for allotments, indoor plants, and especially flowers (in beds, in pots, or even cut, just for the pleasure of seeing them in a vase).
Thus, for 65% of French people, the orchid is the most appreciated exotic flower, and they are looking for many tips to care for these graceful and colorful flowers. How to maintain a potted orchid? Here are some keys!
Where do these flowers come from?
A little original anecdote about the origin of these plants: the first to mention these superb flowers was none other than the Greek Theophrastus, who classified orchids under the term orchis ( testicle in Greek), about underground tubers that bring to mind this part of the anatomy, not very glamorous! This category of plants is said to be 75 to 86 million years old! They are native to tropical countries, but their cultivation in protected environments has allowed their democratization and commercialization.
How to water orchids?
To water orchids, you must follow a few tips or you will suddenly see these little flowers turn brown. Leave your orchid in a basin of water for 20 minutes. Prefer rainwater at room temperature since these plants do not like limestone. These flowers are very sensitive, so there should not be a big difference in temperature between the water and the orchid. A little tip to reduce limestone in the water is to add a few drops of lemon juice, and orchids love it.
The hotter it is, the more you have to water your orchid: when the temperature is around 20 dg, make sure to water the plant every 10 days. If the orchid is no longer in bloom, you will only need to water it every 15-20 days. If the roots of the orchid are green, the orchid is well cared for, but if the roots are gray, it means that the plant lacks water.
On the importance of pots
Indeed, it is interesting to keep the small transparent pots in which orchids are sold. Even if their aesthetic aspect can put off more than one, it is clever to keep this transparency, since this index will allow to see the humidity that remains or not in the pot. In addition, orchids are very happy in small containers, so there is no need to repot them in larger spaces. The more roots there are, the more important it will also be to water the orchids.
And the humidity?
When buying an orchid, you will need to think about the humidity it will need. To fully develop, this rather fragile plant (let’s face it) will need heat and humidity. When it is 20 dg in your room, you must maintain a humidity level of 45%. Otherwise, there are more obvious techniques such as placing the orchid in a container containing clay balls that will maintain a certain humidity level.
Light !
The most obvious and essential element is the need for light , like any living being. Do not hesitate to expose the orchid near a significant source of light: the ideal place is near a bay window or near windows. As the brightness changes according to the seasons, it will be necessary to change the place of the orchid so that it has the best possible exposure. In summer, however, do not place the plants directly under a light source, because the sun could burn the leaves.
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