
EF English Live, the most advanced live online English lesson system

EF English Live was created in 1996, in partnership with Apple, based on the research of academic linguistics experts, making it the most advanced English learning system today. It indeed has many advantages for anyone wishing to learn English online and quickly achieve their goals.

About EF English Live

EF English Live is an online English course school, easily accessible with a simple internet connection, from anywhere in the world. Although its headquarters is in Switzerland, it provides online courses to students from all backgrounds.

Thanks to its methodology, learn anywhere and according to your availability, on a smartphone or computer, with experienced and dynamic teachers. Premium courses are available for students who want to learn English with EF English Live as an advanced language and achieve fast and effective results.

What is this online course method?

Over the years, EF English Live has established a method that has achieved good results, with more than 2,000,000 students trained since its creation. The latter consists of guaranteeing the next level for the learner after 12 weeks of the course. To do this, EF English Live uses advanced interactive English learning tools that it has gradually developed. All EF English Live teachers, called Pro Teachers, dynamically apply this method to support all learners.

To make learning easier, EF English Live has an application on which you can follow your course at any time. Note that when learning on a computer, you can use an application to film your screen, useful to know to record the course and revise it later if necessary.

The student learns English 3 times faster thanks to a combination of private lessons, but also the possibility of communicating with other students. More than an online school for learning the English language, it is also a powerful network for different professional opportunities and friendly relationships.

What benefits do EF English Live students get?

The first advantage is that the training is designed specifically to meet all the expressed needs of the students. The discovery of other learners and the highly qualified staff are other advantages which are also cited about this training.

EF English Live certified training

The training is certified at the end by a globally recognized EF English Live certification. At each level passed, it is possible to have the certificate to attest to your level and your learning, a certification necessary in the context of training for a company for example.

The desire to learn a new language like English is motivated by different reasons for different people. For some, the goal is to get a new job that requires speaking English, or it is with a view to expatriation to have a better professional environment, for others, it is to be able to travel to new countries. The advantages offered by this “Learn English with EF English Live” training, as well as the skills it allows you to acquire, are numerous and allow you to benefit from the best online English course. It is for all these reasons that this platform was awarded, by the Learning and Performance Institute, the “Learning Provider 2018” which is the prize awarded each year to the best educational establishments.

Ghulam Muhammad

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