
Choosing a mobile fleet for a VSE/SME

Many companies choose to equip their teams with professional mobiles. The mobile fleet for VSEs and SMEs offers many advantages. However, it requires a very specific organization. This is why it is important to choose your corporate mobile fleet carefully, regardless of the size of your company.

Mobile fleet: what exactly is it?

The mobile fleet represents all the mobile phones and professional plans that a VSE/SME owns. The devices are distributed among the different employees so that they can carry out their professional tasks in the best conditions. As part of a mobile fleet, subscriptions are not taken out individually, all professional packages are part of a grouped formula that is more economically advantageous for the company. Different operators offer offers dedicated to professionals, as we can see with the Free mobile fleet for example.

Currently, business mobiles are widely used by all types of companies. They offer different advantages because they allow more flexibility while allowing employees to better manage their schedules and work outside the office. The professional telephone is also a major ally in optimizing the productivity of teams and therefore of the company. It is an effective method for valuing employees. But, if many employees have a professional telephone in the same structure, it can become more complex to manage the company’s mobile fleet.

Mobile fleet: which devices to choose?

The choice of a mobile device will directly depend on the needs of workers and their professional activity. If the employee needs to use their mobile or tablet intensively, it is preferable to choose a device with a large screen to make use easier and more comfortable. And if the employee has to make visual presentations regularly, they will necessarily need a suitable and efficient tablet.

Currently, different brands offer large smartphone models that are completely suitable for professional or intensive use. You can find these mobile devices from Google, Samsung, Apple and Microsoft. For specific professional activities, such as work on a construction site or in an industrial environment, you can find specialized brands like Crosscall which offer resistant and suitable devices.

Furthermore, if your company’s activity simply requires the use of a telephone line and the sending of emails, a classic smartphone is more than sufficient. In case you have a tight business budget, or you have adopted ecological values ​​within your structure, you can turn to the second-hand market to find your devices.

Mobile fleet: how to choose your operator?

When choosing your business mobile fleet, the most important point concerns the selection of the operator. Indeed, if you want your teams to be able to use their smartphones while traveling, the network coverage must be significant. You must therefore check that the coverage of the operator you are going to choose is effective enough in the places where your workers travel. If network coverage is not good enough, the professional activity of your employees will be interrupted, and you will lose productivity.

Mobile fleet: how to improve management?

Managing a mobile fleet requires a logistics organization that will bring together the operation of the devices, the handling of repairs, the renewal of telephones, and the inventories after the departure of employees. To manage your corporate mobile fleet, you must therefore rigorously monitor the lines used. Particular attention must also be paid to the financial monitoring of the fleet, and a system must be put in place to secure the data present in the devices.

Ghulam Muhammad

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