you may be limiting certain activities. Why not turn this unpleasant moment into an unexpected opportunity to make space at home? In everyday life, we are short of time. Take a weekend to tidy up. Take care of the objects that take up the most space. The result is worth it. Indeed, a decluttered space is a space where we live better… Even if this task is not glorious (we all hate sorting), take advantage of a moment alone or with family, to take action. In your handbag, your cupboards, on the shelves in the kitchen or in the bathroom…
To get rid of what you no longer need, follow our advice.
Kitchen accessories
Start by looking in every corner of your kitchen and ask yourself what item you use once or less each year.
We think of a toaster, an apple corer, a pineapple corer, a pizza cutter, a fondue maker, a raclette maker… For the latter, if you feel like it, you can borrow it from your family or neighbors. Generally, these are objects that we rarely use. Examine each thing and ask yourself these questions: Do I need it? How often do I use it?
Try not to get hung up on your items. Most of the time, we use the same ones in the kitchen for most tasks.
The clothes
It is sometimes easier to buy clothes, especially on sale, than to find a place to store them at home. We easily accumulate. And then, we have a hard time parting with them. You are probably thinking: if I go to Marrakech, will this little top be perfect? If I lose 7 kilos, will this skirt be perfect? … Stop procrastinating. If you haven’t worn clothing for at least 12 months, there is no point in keeping it at home. And even less in a crowded closet. Give it a second life. It might be useful for your sister… Make someone happy by donating your clothes to an association… There are several and a person in need will be very happy to get one of your clothes back. If you have more time, sell the beautiful pieces on the Internet. Online clothing sales sites are common.
And for the most recalcitrant, there is still the solution of the box to rent in Toulouse or another city like Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Marseille. Even if you live in a small village, specialized centers have storage solutions. Store your belongings in a secure, healthy, and accessible place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in case you want to put it away or give it away… People use the self-storage box, this new generation furniture storage, to store seasonal belongings. Especially when the accommodation does not allow a multitude of belongings to be kept.
The storage company offers different offers to adapt to each need but always at the best price. You can thus choose the surface area you need and then book your storage box directly online. You choose the rental period.
You are sure to find the ideal additional space to store everything that clutters up your home, not far from home. And if you have any questions before you start, They will be happy to answer you and provide you with information to choose the box that suits your requirements, anywhere.
But this extra room is not the only thing that can be used for. It is also a significant advantage for storing things that you don’t use, such as your ski gear in the middle of summer.
Everyone grows up, even our children. It may be time to throw away, give away, or sell those that are hiding at the top of a cupboard in the attic. This will help you to recover some space. Have you looked at how many stuffed animals there are? A little sorting won’t hurt. Even if your child complains a little, explain to him what you are doing. And when he is 14, he will not be able to believe that he wants to keep his brown teddy bear. If the family is large, toys are very useful for cousins, and younger. Let as many people as possible benefit from them. A toy has no soul but a child will be very happy thanks to your gesture.
Books and magazines
Having a beautiful library full of books can be very tempting. But the reality is that many homes are small. So you have to prioritize functional and useful elements daily. Like a bed, a shower, a kitchen… Put aside your dreams and get rid of the books you have read in magazines… In our time, a lot of information can be found online, with the Internet.
Beauty products
If you have products that have been opened for a long time, it may be time to throw them away. If you have a very varied range, you don’t put everything in. Sort. Donate or throw away.
Live comfortably at home. Keep what is useful and used. And to avoid falling back into disorder, adopt this philosophy. An object that enters your home is another object that leaves. One object takes the place of another, it’s as simple as that.