
Which Bilingual School To Choose In Paris?

Created in 1954 by the inspiration for bilingual education, the Jeannine Manuel School is an international and bilingual school par excellence. This school, which places the mixing of cultures and biculturalism at the center of its programs, is located in the heart of Paris. The school project revolves around the English language. Indeed, the child can benefit from early learning of the English language, taught by qualified, native teachers. The aim is to acquire equal ease, precision, and finesse in both languages: French and English. The students come from different regions of the world, which makes it a place of mixing cultures and languages ​​that is extremely enriching for the children who have the chance to flourish there.

The pedagogy of the Jeannine Manuel School is based on five pillars

The first is the solidity of fundamental learning from the start of schooling. The second is to bring students to bilingualism through innovative teaching and the involvement of experienced teachers. The third and fourth pillars concern the importance of collaborative work as well as the development of children’s autonomy. As for the last pillar, it is about supporting students’ curiosity, creativity, and appetite for culture through the activities offered throughout their schooling.

The Jeannine Manuel School: a new place for innovation

It is a bilingual school which leaves a lot of room for innovation and educational experimentation. The teaching team works around innovative projects based on the latest discoveries in neuroscience and cognitive sciences to offer excellence to students and enable them to progress effectively while respecting their individuality. Beyond the importance given to learning foreign languages ​​and bilingualism, the Jeannine Manuel bilingual school pays particular attention to reading and writing as well as science and mathematics.

Early learning to read is offered to children from the middle section of nursery school, and once reading has been acquired in French, a method specific to the school will allow reading to be transferred to English. Subsequently, literary prizes and the production of creative writings will enrich this reading acquisition. Mathematics gives pride of place to mental arithmetic and the development of research and reasoning skills.

The progressions in the field of science are based on the IQS program (Itineraries of Scientific Questioning) designed by Georges Charpak, Nobel Prize winner in physics. This is remarkable and effective teaching, based on questioning, reasoning, and experimentation. Pupils’ well-being is of particular importance at this school. A pedagogy focused on kindness aims to establish a climate of trust, conducive to learning. It is one of the first schools in France to have established a complete well-being program, inspired by positive psychology, which allows students to think together about themes relating to living together.

For older children, managing emotions and stressful situations is addressed through breathing, meditation, and mindfulness programs. The school places great importance on respecting child protection. Four sites spread across Paris and secured by dedicated staff, welcome students from nursery to final year in premises with exceptional facilities. Allowing your child to attend the Jeannine Manuel School allows them to flourish while exploiting the extent of their intellectual and creative potential.

Ghulam Muhammad

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