The road safety awareness course is a training that lasts 2 days. Two instructors who take care of the animation during the course. Such a program is intended to avoid the repetition of dangerous driving on the road. This road safety course is followed in several cases.
If we are talking about recovering points following a traffic violation, we are referring to the road safety awareness course on the circuit. This course is intended for drivers who want to recover 4 points as quickly as possible on their driving license due to the loss of points. After the withdrawal of at least 3 points in the probationary stage, we refer to the mandatory course with a valid license.
The different types of awareness training courses
Several cases require participation in a road safety awareness course on a circuit. First for the first case: a voluntary course. This is a useful course to recover at least 4 points and for which you join intentionally. It is essential not to exceed the period of one year and one day between two contributions. The best is then to do a point-based license course to avoid invalidating your license. This type of course is offered by specialized structures or driving schools. For the following case during the probation period, when you have committed the offense resulting in losing at least 3 points, contributing to a course is mandatory and you may have to repay a fine. Be aware that it is possible to recover points thanks to this course on a probationary license. And for the last case: it is the justice course. It is important to know who offers this program, it is the court. This is presented during a penal composition, an additional sentence, etc. Please note that these compulsory courses do not require any points to be made up.
Information on voluntary internship
It is important to know that the desired road safety awareness course is the most common case. You can recover the license points thanks to this course. It is possible to recover points with the voluntary course. This type of course probably allows you to recover up to 4 points within the framework of the higher balance of the driving license. The valid license course “Young Driver” and the voluntary course are the only courses that allow you to recover license points.
It is possible to certify your contribution to the training at the prefecture using the internship certificate. For information, the latter will only be issued at the end of the second day. Finally, your points are caught up.
Many people wonder when to do a voluntary internship. In case you have one or two points left on your license to do an internship, you should take action. This will prevent you from making many mistakes in an emergency. However, you should focus on the partial deadline for processing a traffic ticket.
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